Sunday 20 May 2012

Meg becomes a mummy

I haven't had time to research any more postcards because...
On Saturday 19th May at 6.05 am, my darling cat Meg began giving birth to her first litter of kittens. By 7.45am she had brought 4 gorgeous kittens into the world. 
Its the first time i've had a pet like this have young so i didnt know what to expect. I've been pacing up and down as much as Meg the last few days wondering how it would go but, she did brilliantly and i cant believe it was all over in 1 hour, 40 mins.
She is being a very attentive mum and looks after them brilliantly. 


  1. What a lovely family! In a few weeks you won't believe they were ever this tiny!

  2. I'm usre you are right. Will have our hands full containing them all when they have found their feet.
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
