Saturday, 28 April 2012

Getting the chick brooder ready

I have added the extension brooder box to the incubator now as thats where the baby chicks will live for about 7-10 days or so, depending on how many of them hatch and how big they are.

doubles the floor space for them when chicks are born

adjoining door they walk through until they get too big
Once they are hatched and have dried off for a day or so in the incubator itself, i can open a clever door my hubby made which leads through to the perspex box which will have food and water for them. Then they are free to come and go between boxes.
The smaller box which was the incubator will have heat still and the perspex one no heat so they can regulate themsleves. 
Its good to see them in the clearer box tottering around madly for a few minutes then suddenly crumpling to the ground in exhaustion and napping. They do make me smile.

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